Sunday, August 29, 2010


I'm not sure what exactly it is, but I make soooo many typos. Soooooooo many. Maybe you've noticed. Some are quite humorous, while others can turn out a little inappropriate. Other times it just confuses everyone, including me especially me. My dad pointed out that I spelled it "payed" instead of "paid." Maybe I was just tired. I just wrote "...your hand in mouth?..." and completely left out the "my." That would qualify as one of the confusing ones, because I did about four double-takes on that one. Technically, that would be a quadruple-take. Or maybe a octuple-take. I don't know, I took me awhile to figure out. And then there's always the inappropriate ones. The worst is when I leave the "r" out of my last name. I won't even type it. I usually do that when I'm actually writing with a pen. That doesn't make much sense, because you can't really make a typo with a pen. Well, you can't, but I most certainly can. And of course, when you're using a pen, there's no backspace. Anyway, sorry for being so sloppy. It is my blog, after all.


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