Sunday, August 29, 2010

Sincerely, Me

Ok, I totally stole this from my cousin. Sorry, Late......I'll start preparing to be attacked by your flying monkeys. :)

Dear Dentist,

Ok, do you not understand that your hand is in my mouth? I don't know if you've ever tried talking with someone's hand in your mouth, but it's not easy. My cheeks also aren't designed to be stretched into the next room, thank you very much. I may have a big mouth, but come on, dude, it's not that big. I didn't come to your office to talk to you, k?


Dear Hotmail,
I despise you. I'm also quite sure that the feeling is mutual. You should complain to whoever made you. I mean, seriously, the pictures are for facebook, not my email account. (Ok, I don't have a facebook, but that's beside the point) You really should destroy yourself. Sure, I can send emails through you (that sounds a little strange...send emails through you???? Hmmm.....) but apart from that, you're really not good for anything.


Dear Post-it notes,
Do you realize how you've changed my life?!?!?!?!? I LOVE YOU!!!! You're just so awesome! I mean, you're sticky, but you don't rip the paper. And you come in all kinds of colors, too!!! (Including purple!) I've even seen post-its with little flowers on them. How cool!!!! Again, I must say: I LOVE YOU!!!!


Ok, that's enough for now. I'm off to enter a drawing for a laptop... :)



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