Saturday, October 30, 2010

THANKSgiving, Part 1

This year, I'm going to put my mind to it and come up with 100 things I'm thankful for. I'll do it in parts, so here are the first few. (They're not in order of importance, just the order of when I think of them.)
  1. God - Ok, if they were in order of importance, this would still be #1.
  2. Puppies - Little balls of fur and cuteness.
  3. The computer - What would life be like without computers?
  4. Nail polish - Call me a girly girl, go ahead.
  5. Butterflies - The world would be so colorless without them.
  6. Music - I never feel at all lonely when I'm listening to music.
  7. Flowers - Close your eyes and take a big sniff.
  8. Bagels - Why on earth are bagels so darned good?
  9. Postage Stamps - Thank about it, how could we send mail without these nifty little guys?
  10. Post-it notes - I don't how much time these things have saved me.
  11. Grass - Without it, the ground would just be dirt and mud.
  12. School - Yes, I did just type that, because we'd all be idiots without it.
  13. Tape - If there was no tape, I'd have to use glue, and that usually doesn't work well for me.
  14. YouTube - Free music when you're online, baby!
  15. Toilets - Without them, we'd - actually, I'm not going to go there.
Lots more to come!!!


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