Sunday, October 10, 2010

I figured out Victoria's Secret!!

You: Uh, what???
I was reading a book today for the youth retreat I'm going on this coming weekend.  As you can see by the title of the book, my youth pastor doesn't shy away from the awkward issues.  Anyway, there was a part in it that I really liked. Just fyi, this post is a little more on the serious side of things.

So it was this guy talking about Victoria's Secret. I'm not going to quote directly from the book for a number of reasons, not the least of which is the fact that I'm too lazy to go get the book. The guy was talking about how he always wondered what secret Victoria has been trying to keep. It's obviously not what her models look like without any clothes on, because even the pygmies in rural Africa probably know that "secret." Then it dawned on him. They're covering up all those insecurities that all of us have, some more than others. They're so afraid of being rejected that they'll do anything to keep their identity. And I mean anything, if you get my drift. Now that I think about it that way, the name "Victoria's Secret" has an entirely new meaning. I doubt that that was the original intention, but who knows? Victoria's Secret has been around for so long that Victoria's probably dead by now!


P.S. Ok, I know I said that this was supposed to be serious post, but the subject/message was the only thing serious about it. I'm not a very serious person, in case you haven't gathered that yet.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Caroline,

    I'm a follower, so it should show up!! :) I'm glad you like my blog. I'm currently in 9th grade so I think we're both the same age. :)


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