Monday, November 1, 2010

THANKSgiving, Part 2

...and the list continues!
  1. God - Ok, if they were in order of importance, this would still be #1.
  2. Puppies - Little balls of fur and cuteness.
  3. The computer - What would life be like without computers?
  4. Nail polish - Call me a girly girl, go ahead.
  5. Butterflies - The world would be so colorless without them.
  6. Music - I never feel at all lonely when I'm listening to music.
  7. Flowers - Close your eyes and take a big sniff.
  8. Bagels - Why on earth are bagels so darned good?
  9. Postage Stamps - Thank about it, how could we send mail without these nifty little guys?
  10. Post-it notes - I don't how much time these things have saved me.
  11. Grass - Without it, the ground would just be dirt and mud.
  12. School - Yes, I did just type that, because we'd all be idiots without it.
  13. Tape - If there was no tape, I'd have to use glue, and that usually doesn't work well for me.
  14. YouTube - Free music when you're online, baby!
  15. Toilets - Without them, we'd - actually, I'm not going to go there.
  16. Hair spray - Or as I like to call it, hair glue.
  17. Curtains - They keep out the sun, and they look pretty (most of the time).
  18. Starbucks - Must I really elaborate?
  19. Guy gym shorts - Because girl gym shorts don't have pockets.
  20. Hole punchers - Cool little circular razor blades.
  21. Holidays - Like Thanksgiving! (Yeah, that was pretty darn cheesy)
  22. The internet - Yes, it has a whole lot of bad things, but there's some pretty good stuff there, too.
  23. My bed - Ohhhhh, nice toasty covers!
  24. Grits - My meaning is twofold: The food and Girls Raised In The South.
  25. Plastic spiders - Not a Christmas recipe, or a Thanksgiving one, but one for and April Fool's joke!
~Csrplone (A failed attempt at typing my name)


  1. im suprised you havent put the color purple down yet!
    <3 Rachel

  2. Check out my latest post! I listen to my readers!


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