Monday, February 21, 2011

Hello, dear friends

You probably thought I forgot about ya'll. Nope. I remember you. I'm just too lazy to post. I've plenty to post about, though. Right now, I'm fixing to do a blog redesign since it's two months afer Christmas. Hehe... Let me explain why I haven't posted in awhile.
  1. I just moved. (January 29)
  2. My school put on a production of Taming of the Shrew, and I was in it. (Beginning of February)
  3. I got a job. (February 9)
  4. I quit my job. (February 18)
  5. I'm weeks behind in my Geometry and Chemistry.
Forgive me for not posting??? I thought so. Now excuse me while I redisign and start a post explaining why I quit, because I know you're curious.



  1. I have a couple questions for you, what was your job and why did you quit???

  2. OMG, love the background! Miss ya!


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